Redundant Cloud Hosting Solutions

Take your hosting to the next level!

The OSHS hosting platform

The days of single server hosting is starting to age, and whilst we still have many customers using these legacy systems, we are embracing the latest and greatest technologies to create modern bespoke hosting solutions for customers designed for scalability and high availability.


We have highly skilled and proficient technical staff who have extensive experience designing and architecting Cloud hosting solutions for a variety of companies and enterprises


Some companies go down the route of trying to build in house teams and skills but this can be an expensive and difficult affair. If you're looking for a partner who can quickly get you up and running with modern hosting systems whilst you focus on your core business, please contact us so we can give you a bespoke quote for our services.

Code Lifecycles

The first part of our hosting platform starts with providing customers with code verion management, and more specifically designing the code branching strategy so code gets cycled through multiple environments including Development, Test, Stage and Production.


CI stands for Continous Integration, and CD stands for Continuous Deployment. We design CI/CD pipelines based on customer specific requirements to enable continous incremental changes in code being deployed continously into multiple environments.

Containers or VMs

We help design the optimal hosting platform for customer code/applications/websites whether in private or public clouds or in on-premises DCs. We support containers and can help develop optimal container configurations.


Kubernetes is an orchestration tool for managing container workloads, and we can deploy customer resources into Kubernetes clusters to enable self-healing and scalability along with the many other amazing features Kubernetes offers.

Example Use Cases

- an ecommerce website wants to break away from an active/passive dedicated server setup to an always on hosting platform using a CDN (Content Distribution Network), load balancers, auto-scaling VMs, and a redundant durable database system supporting MySQL
- a private chartered jet company needs to containerise their booking application and website and deploy them into Kubernetes in Microsoft Azure
- an online training provider wants to move their Moodle based CMS (Content Management System) into containers and build CI/CD pipelines to release changes
- an education provider wants to break their monolithic application into a microservices architecture running on Docker containers inside AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)

Get a Quote

Please contact us so we can understand your business requirements so we can give you a bespoke and highly competitive quote.